5 ways to start conservationist…ing

So, this one maybe feels like it should have been the first one. It's kind of sort of the whole point of this whole thing, right? Find the little ways that we can all try to do our part.

You might say, "well, Josh, then after this article what else will you have to say, won't this blog post be everything we need to know?" And to that I say, "kind of an existential question there. You really come on quite strong. Maybe take it down just a notch? But no. There will be more content. But if you do this stuff, you will be a good person and your friends will like you better and the planet will be healthier. So, if you want good things to happen, please, continue reading."

A monk seal sleeping so peacefully, use this sleepy seal as motivation as you read this article.

A monk seal sleeping so peacefully, use this sleepy seal as motivation as you read this article.

  1. Eat less meat

    I know this one hurts the most to hear. I'll say this: do what you can. Try veggie burgers, try plant-based alternatives, try meatless Mondays, whatever you can do to lessen the meat you consume. This is one of those situations where every little bit helps.

    If you are inclined to do it because of how bad it is for the environment, any reduction in meat, especially in beef, helps. Plant-based alternatives have not always been good and, I'll be honest, some of them still aren't great replacements. But there are many options and many are very reasonable taste-wise. Just a couple of veggie burgers can make a real difference. Agriculture is responsible for ~24% of global emissions. So voting with your dollar here really does count.

    If you want to do it because of how awful factory farms are to animals? Any reduction helps again. I don't need to be the preacher to you for how bad it is. Just type it into whatever google machine you are reading this on. Its heart breaking.

    Reducitarian. That is what we are calling it. We are just reducing. We aren’t judging, we aren’t preaching. If the boss brings in fried chicken for everyone? Have a piece. We are just doing what we can, but we aren’t asking for perfection.

  2. Volunteer with a local environmental organization

    My only advice on this is - be picky! Don't just sign up for the thing on the bulletin board at work. Sign up for something you believe in. If you live on the gorgeous, magical island of Oahu, sign up for the projects that support Sea Turtles, or Dolphins, or the local wild chickens! All biodiversity needs help. The plants, the animals, everything. Find something interesting and spend 2 hours helping. You might also feel a sense of accomplishment, which would be a cool side effect if you ask me.

  3. Try and buy sustainable "stuff"

    When you are buying Ziploc bags, look for the compostable ones. When you are buying clothes, maybe google the same item, but with "sustainable" after. Go on Amazon and get reusable K-Cups. The little things like that shift the dynamic. It's another situation where we can vote with our dollars.

  4. Speaking of compostable

    Try and compost your food waste. If you have a home, try and start a little one in the back to feed the garden or plants. If you are in an apartment or shared living space this might be a bit more difficult but see if you city has a green bin program, or a food waste dump. It might be a bit more labor intensive, I'll give you that. But did a weekly drive to the green bin or the food dump can be an easy way to start the weekend grocery shopping you already have to do.

  5. Bike or walk more

    If you are going to the neighbors, maybe walk? If you have the time, can you bike to work? Exercise is great for you and it's the daily activity that keeps you healthy and energized long term. Little actions like walking to your lunch spot or biking to your haircut that really can help you cut down on your car's emissions. Also you will feel happier and healthier. If you don't want to be happier and healthier, well, that's a weird thing to not want. I can't relate to you because you are just too weird.

Try some of these out, and let me know how it goes! Remember, we don't have to do everything, but it helps if we all do something.


Why should I eat less meat?


The Climate - How to understand it