5 Ways to Start Using Sustainability as a Business Advantage Today

Whether we like it or not, the future of sustainability and conservation will create changes. Those changes are going to affect how products are priced, how supply chains are managed, and how, and what, consumers are looking for in marketing. Basically, it's going to touch every aspect of how business is conducted.

But there are ways that you can help stay ahead of the curve. Here are 5 ways your business can not only manage the future, but accelerate with it:

#1: Align sustainability with your company goals

This is the single most important thing your business can do. Your business model is clear and it works. Sustainability is a huge topic that has a whole range of applications. See how you can mesh the two areas.

I recommend starting by writing a sustainability vision statement, and maybe setting a couple of sustainability goals that align with company objectives.

An example: Adidas

"We are a global organisation that is socially and environmentally responsible, that embraces creativity and diversity and is financially rewarding for our employees and shareholders."

Adidas doesn't shy away from the goal of profit. They are business, money is the name of the game. But they elevate the importance of sustainability when they invoke it in the vision statement.

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Obviously, this is biased, but here is the mission and vision for The Casual Conservationist.

The goals for myself and the output I would like to eventually see are intertwined with a mission to make the world a little bit more sustainable.

My point being, start taking the time to think about the strategy of your company. Begin by aligning the goals of your company with a business model that leverages sustainability. Think of how leveraging sustainability can be an opportunity for growth.

Leverage sustainability for growth.

#2: Check the chain

If your business is a physical product, this means thinking about the supply chain - what things go into your product that could be reusable or recyclable? But more than that, how can those aspects that are reusable become something you can leverage to maintain or increase your bottom line?

This is the time to innovate.

If your business is a service - how can you create a value that adds to the on-going or upcoming climate issues? If you work in finance, can you discover ways to evaluate our imbalances in nature? If you work in the legal profession, what are the legal avenues your community can take to ensure environmental justice occurs?

There are lots of little things that go into your business, from paper to pens to physical office space. Is there anything that could be done more sustainably?

Leverage sustainability for logistical reliability.

#3: Communicate it internally

Speak about your environmental and sustainability goals like you talk about your business goals. What things does your company value? What things are your special advantage? Speak about how you are incorporating sustainability in the same language.

When you are framing the risks and opportunities that your team is taking, make sure your language matches!

If you’re at an engineering firm, talk about it in a data-driven, motivated fashion. If you work in retail or marketing, the language might be more creative.

However your company communicates, ensure that you are talking about sustainability right next to your other values.

Leverage sustainability for internal trust.

#4: Engage your stakeholders

Whether it's a board of directors, local community leaders, key supporters, or even just your most valued customers - involve them.

Stakeholder Mind Map-2.png

Talk to them in their language. The mayor of the town will have different priorities than a member of the board, who in turn doesn't have the same priorities as the local chamber of commerce members. Remember what their organization's values are and see how you can fit your goals into their language.

Use these connections and relationships to your advantage. How can you use this new focus to spark interest in your business? Which of your key stakeholders can help you move the needle with the implementation of your new pillar of focus?

Leverage sustainability to create conversation.

#5: Education both up and down

This goes for both internal members and external customers.

Solicit feedback from your team about what they think you could do more sustainably. Be direct and have conversations about processes that are unnecessary. You can discover little things, like meetings that could be emails (saving paper), to bigger things, like how delivery services aren't as productive and you need to rethink that part of the model.

But also as we discussed 2 sections ago, educate the team on what you all could do better, and see what new ideas they generate to help you move toward your sustainability goals.

For your consumers, market how they can help you achieve sustainability goals. Teach them how to use your products sustainably and tell them about the services you offer that inch you closer to your sustainability key performance indicator. Be proud of your effort to move in a sustainable direction and ask your customers to help get you there.

Leverage sustainability for innovation.


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