June 6th, 2021


Hey there!

Here is this week's edition of the Conservationist Content Newsletter.

2 things in this week's Nat-News:

*Nat-News is the cool way to say Nature News. But in like, millennial speak. We shorten words. That's kind of our thing.

1️⃣ Restoration call for area ‘the size of China’ to protect falling biodiversity and food insecurity

Link: United Nations//Full Story

Too long, didn't read: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) released a report that marked the start of the "decade of Ecosystem Restoration". To achieve the targets of the report, at least $200 billion per year will need to be invested by 2030.

2️⃣ World Environment Day: We must conserve and restore our ecosystems, for the sake of future generations

Link: CNN Opinion Piece//Full Story

Too long, didn't read: Not exactly news, but yesterday was world environment day. Imran Khan, who is the Prime Minister of Pakistan, wrote a piece for CNN where he talks about his past, and what he wants to see in the future. It's a great read, and outlines some of the ways we should focus on nature and learn to make peace with it.

2 ideas from me:

1️⃣ Try and find time this summer to do a 1 week no spend challenge. This includes groceries or coffee - nothing. See what you can use-up or even re-use!

2️⃣ It's pride month! The intersectionality between LGBTQ+ communities and those who are most affected by climate change is real and a discussion reserved for more words. But here are some actionable ways you can help!

- Get involved! Any virtual campaigns supporting the LGBTQ+ community makes an impact
- Go local! There are organizations in your community supporting the LGBTQ+ community, search for inclusive places to purchase!

2 stories about the drought out west:

1️⃣ Here is the Associated Press report that gives you the who, what, when, where, and why. (Full story)

Who: Californian's

What: Governor Gavin Newsom has 41 counties under a state of emergency

When: Unfortunately, right now and more into summer

Where: Lake Orville

Why: The state’s more than 1,500 reservoirs are 50% lower than they should be this time of year

2️⃣ Because of the drought, the fire season out west is predicted to be worse than last year's record setting season, experts say.

Thanks for making it this far down the page, I appreciate you,

- Josh


May 30th, 2021