May 9th, 2021


Hey there!

Here is this week's edition of Conservationist Content Newsletter.

2 Things in this week's Nat-News:

*Nat-News is the cool way to say Nature News. But in like, millennial speak. We shorten words. That's kind of our thing.

1️⃣ Big cat comeback? Florida strikes bipartisan deal to help endangered panthers

Link: The Guardian//Full Story

Too long, didn't read: Legislation passed this week in Florida with unanimous support to boost protected land and expand “wildlife corridors” running from Florida Bay in the south, all the way to the Georgia, Alabama border. Not only will panthers benefit, but bears and other wildlife will have ways to traverse throughout the state, increasing the chance for good genetic mixing.

2️⃣ Cut methane emissions to avert global temperature rise

Link: United Nations/Full Story

Too long, didn't read: A global methane assessment from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) reported the benefits of reducing our methane emissions.

Bad news: Methane is incredibly harmful to the atmosphere, about 28 times worse than CO2. Translation you didn't need: Methane is super not good.

Good news: Methane dissipates quite quickly! It breaks down and is mostly gone in a decade. Translation you didn't need (part 2): There is a light at the end of the methane tunnel once we stop emitting!

2 ideas from me:

1️⃣ It's May! Which means where you live, it might finally be warm enough to emerge from your house. If so, congratulations! Welcome back. It's nice to have you. Also - this is the perfect chance to start hanging your clothes up outside. Fun fact: most households use at least 5% of the electricity on drying clothes. 5%! That means if you hang out 20 loads of clothes this summer you will have saved yourself a full electric bill. Basically that counts as dinner from me. Came for the conservation, stayed for the personal finance.

2️⃣ I know some of you have pets out there! Here is a quick way to be realcasual with your conservation. Next time you go to change your cat or doggo's water dish, instead of throwing the old water down the sink, why not use it to water a plant? The plant grows and the water goes!

2 things you should see:

1️⃣ This TED Talk: How community-led conservation can save wildlife | Moreangels Mbizah

Summary: "Conservationist and TED Fellow Moreangels Mbizah studied the famous Cecil the lion until he was shot by a trophy hunter in 2015. She wonders how things could've gone differently, asking: "What if the community that lived next to Cecil was involved in protecting him?"

2️⃣ This photo of a bear poking its head around a tree: Instagram Post//Nat Geo Travel

It's the best photo of a west-Canadian omnivore creeping around a tree you'll see this Sunday. I guarantee it.

Thanks for making it this far down the page, I appreciate you,

- Josh

P.S. - If you are receiving this newsletter and you are the mother who raised me, thank you for all you do and I love you! Happy mother's day!


May 15th, 2021


May 2nd, 2021